Black Bros. Co. Testing New Panel Cleaner"> Black Bros. Co. Testing New Panel Cleaner

Black Bros. Co. has begun extensive testing of a new Prototype Panel Cleaner, the PC-495 Panel Cleaner. This new design was built to handle a wider range of components, and to provide greater cleaning power, due to the newly designed hood/vent system, and a new standard of brushes. Here at Black Bros. Co., we believe in making… Read More >

AFWS 2013 Recap

Our team enjoyed being out this year at the Association of Woodworking and Furnishings show. We enjoyed the interactions and conversations that we were able to have with the attendees of AWFS 2013. We highlighted some of our 2D and 3D laminating technologies, which included the TF2-4-8 ThermoFormer, a part of the TF series of… Read More >