Black Bros. Co. of Mendota, lllinois has agreed to purchase the distribution rights for
Rapha Membranes from KKA Enterpnses of McDougall, Ontario, Canada.
Black Bros. will now have exclusive rights to sell and distribute the Rapha Membrane
product line throughout all of Canada, USA, and Mexico. Membrane Blankets are an
integral part of Thermolaminators or 3D Presses used to manufacture a variety of
products which include kitchen cabinets, store fixtures, table tops, and office furniture.
Black Bros. will stock Membranes in Silicone and Natural Rubber blends. These will be
stocked in a variety of thicknesses, lengths, and widths.
Kosta Anastasiou, Director of KKA Enterprises explains: “There is a tremendous
similarity in our two companies, both in philosophy and customer service. We feel
confident that Black Bros. will continue the high level of service that customers have
experienced from KKA Enterprises.”
Matt Carroll, CEO of Black Bros. states: “Black Bros. Co. will provide and maintain the
quality service that KKA Enterprises offered for many years. We at Black Bros. are
excited about expanding our customer base for offering a variety of membranes, and
the growth and value it will bring to our company and our customers throughout North
To learn more about the new line of 3-D Laminating Services and Rapha products sold
and serviced by Black Bros., please visit